viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

4° grado INGLES

4° grado INGLES

Repasamos, ejercitamos:  ¿Cuánta/os hay?, (How many) There is /There are;  Números,
Can you…? ¿Podés?
 Responder SI/NO

Look at the picture and answer (write the quantity in letters) (escribí la cantidad en letras)
1 How many boys can you see👀?
2. How many girls can you see 👀?
3. How many windows can You see 👀?
Use   YES/NO
4. Is there any dog?
5. Is there any bottle?
6. Is there a car in the street?

True or false T/F
There are four (4) doors.
There isn't any table.
There are many bushes.
This is a cinema.
Complete a classroom things list.(útiles escolares) as many as You remember. Good luck🤞
A. Sharpener (sacapuntas).
Then paint it!
Cuantos más escribas mejor calificación a tu esfuerzo.  El que no puede subir archivo lo hace en la

Teacher Diana

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