lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

7° A- Ingles- Actividades semana del 11 al 15 de mayo

ENGLISH 7th Grade:  May 11 to May 25
Hi!  Repasamos can y can´t: 
Vemos el video y completamos la minitarea y la reenvían por Edmodo:
Hotel Transilvania:
1- What can you see in the movie segment from “Hotel Transylvania? Tick the words.
a castle
a clock
a bed

2- Watch the movie segment again, and complete the blanks with can/can't and the verbs in brackets. 

1. Mavis ------------------------------------------------------------ (crawl) up the walls.
2. Mavis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (go) outside.
3. Dracula --------------------------------------------------------------- (play) the guitar.
4. Mavis and Dracula --------------------------------------------------------------- (fly).
5. Dracula and Mavis ------------------------------------------- (be) humans and bats.
5. Mavis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (read).
7. Dracula ---------------------------------------------------------------------------(sing).

3- You want to know more about Dracula. Ask him four questions about his abilities.
1- Can you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
2- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
3- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?

4- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
Miss Diana (

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